Sexual Offence Lawyers in Calgary
Sexual offences refer to a number of charges including sexual interference, exploitation and most commonly sexual assault. A sexual offence is committed when the complainant did not consent to the activity that forms the subject matter of the charge or whose age is below the age of consent in Canada.
Being charged with a sexual offence has extremely serious consequences on the life of an accused person. You may face social stigma, financial hardship, and immeasurable stress. Our experienced defence lawyers are here to minimize the stress and, more importantly, will prepare a top-notch quality defence so that you do not have to fight this charge alone.
Defending Sexual Offences
Allegations of sexual offences are often prosecuted by senior, experienced government lawyers. It is therefore vital that you have a skilled advocate on your side. The rules of evidence and procedure relating to these charges are very complicated and a thorough understanding of those rules is vital to presenting your case in a clear and persuasive way to a judge, and possibly a jury as well.
We know there are two sides to every story. Our lawyers will review the entirety of the prosecution’s case and will analyze your version of events as well. We will be able to give you a sound opinion about your options and how best to proceed, based on our experience handling these types of charges, the strength of the prosecution’s case, and your expectations.
If the matter cannot be resolved in a way that you are satisfied with, we will zealously defend you in a trial, by challenging the Crown’s witnesses and other evidence, and, just as importantly, presenting your case in a trustworthy, truthful, and compelling fashion.
Contact Us
If you have been charged with a criminal offence, you need legal advice. Contact our Calgary criminal lawyers today for a free consultation.