What is Written Revocable Consent?

By: Last Updated: June 24, 2024

What is Written Revocable Consent?

What is Written Revocable ConsentWritten revocable consent is a legal term which refers to granting permission for specific actions or activities through a written agreement. In the province of Ontario, and as inferred by the title, this consent can be subsequently revoked or withdrawn at any time. In circumstances of domestic disputes, a written revocable consent may be brought forward where there are court-ordered conditions for one party to refrain from contacting the other. It is ultimately a formal agreement, in writing, which emphasizes that consent is based on the condition that it can be revoked or withdrawn by the granting party at any time, and is filed as a letter to the local law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing the matter in the jurisdiction where the parties are located. Written revocable consent is filed with the officer in charge (law enforcement).

It should be noted that written revocable consent is generally uncommon, as described above, it is normally applied to domestic violence incidents. In such cases, when the written revocable consent is submitted, the undertaking or recognizance which an accused person may have been released on will be amended to reflect that

In order for written revocable consent to be valid, it must be given voluntarily and with a full understanding of the implications and consequences of granting permission. If there is coercion, fraud, or duress proven, it can ultimately invalidate the consent, as it is essential that the granting party has the freedom to make an informed decision. This often adds complexity to circumstances of domestic violence in Ontario.

When might Written Revocable Consent be used?

An example of when written revocable consent may be applied is the granting temporary permission following charges stemming from allegations of domestic violence. An accused person may have conditions not to contact the complainant, however, the complainant may provide written revocable consent for access to a property, or for the discussions to exchange property between parties, through a written agreement, which can be revoked if the terms of access are not followed or if circumstances change.

The unique circumstances which may affect whether revocable consent is deemed appropriate may include whether or not the elements of the offence include injury to the complainant, or weapons used. Instances which may seem relatively less serious, such as minor property damage or assault without injury, may ultimately have a higher likelihood of written revocable consent being used.

Can written revocable consent be refused by the police or officer-in-charge?

It is certainly the most risk avoidant, safest approach for the officer to avoid responsibility if additional alleged incidents occur subsequent to written revocable consent being granted. Oftentimes the unique elements of the circumstances, as described above, depend as to whether the condition not to contact the complainant is amended.

About The Author

Michael Oykhman

Senior Criminal Lawyer

Michael Oykhman is a senior lawyer and founder of Strategic Criminal Defence, a full-service criminal law firm with central law offices in Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Toronto, and Victoria.

My professional experience consists of countless court appearances and thousands of successful defences and satisfied clients. In my legal career, I have appeared at all levels of court in Alberta, including at the Supreme Court of Canada.

I received my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Calgary (2003) and my Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of Calgary (2006).

Client Reviews

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I am grateful that Ms. Moira McAvoy was my lawyer, and I remain thankful to her for everything. She made a successful resolution to my case possible. Ms. Moira McAvoy is a professional, trustworthy lawyer, and a compassionate person. She is an excellent listener and knowledgeable of the law. From the start, she was an excellent guide. I did not know anything about the legal system and court, and she outlined everything clearly in advance, so I could understand things. She never rushed me through anything. She spoke clearly, explained everything, considered what I said, and provided options and advice. She kept me up to date on new information, requirements, and deadlines. She was always positive and this helped so much.


Ryan Patmore and his team are simply the best. I was bullied by CPS in 2020 and it landed me with three separate charges, assault, refusal to blow and DUI, which all went down as I was parked at a friends. After some research and a conversation with Michael, he directed me towards Ryan and at the time I didn’t know that would be a game changer in my favour! He is honest, transparent, helpful and a brilliant mind. He successfully appealed my license suspension with ATSB and then proceeded to get the crown to dismiss all my charges before trial. I never had to step foot inside a courtroom. If you are in need of a criminal defence lawyer, don’t think twice, get in touch with this firm and ask for Ryan Patmore! The guy is an absolute saviour.


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