What happens at an initial consultation?
At your initial consultation we will typically spend about one hour gathering critical information about yourself and about the charges you are currently facing. We will also want your honest recollection of the events that led to your being charged with an offence. This is a very important meeting because it allows us to gather information about the most fundamental aspects of your case and identify possible defences to the charges you are facing.
A significant portion of your initial consultation will be spent reviewing your side of the story and the circumstances surrounding the alleged offence. It is very important that you tell us any and all details that you think might be relevant, and that you answer all questions honestly. We can build a strong defence for you only if you provide us with accurate information.
In addition to hearing your version of events, we will also go through any court documents or documents that were given to you by the police. These documents normally identify the date, place, and time that you have to be in court, and where and when you will have to go to get your fingerprinting done. We will explain what each document is, and what you can expect from and need to do for all upcoming appearances.
We will also gather personal information such as your level of education, occupation, and citizenship status. This information can be crucial for building your defence, and for seeking a resolution with the Crown Prosecutor. At the end of the meeting we will give you an overview of what steps we plan to take next, and make suggestions as to what you should do while you are waiting for your matter to be resolved. It is very important that you follow our directions to ensure that your matter is dealt with effectively and efficiently.
For the initial consultation to be as productive as possible, you should bring the following documents:
- A written statement outlining your version of events
- All documents that you have been given by the court or by the police
- Any disclosure you have received
- Photo ID