Administration of Justice
Rescue or Permitting Escape Laws in Canada Explained
What is a charge of Rescue of Permitting Escape? Rescue or permitting escape is covered under section 147 of the Criminal Code of Canada. It occurs when a person knowingly aids, assists, or helps someone escape from lawful custody in Canada. Examples Some examples of a charge of Rescue of Permitting Escape may include the following: A person employed at a prison who wilfully ...
Witness Giving Contradictory Evidence Laws in Canada Explained
What is a giving contradictory evidence charge?The charge for giving contradictory evidence is covered under s. 136(1) of the Criminal Code found in Part IV. Part IV covers “Offences Against the Administration of Law and Justice.”A contradictory evidence charge occurs when a person, who is a witness in a judicial proceeding, gives evidence about something they know, and then in another court proceeding, gives evidence ...
Obstructing or Violence to or Arrest of Officiating Clergyman Laws in Canada Explained
What is an obstructing or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman charge? Obstructing or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman is covered under s. 176(1) of the Criminal Code found in Part V. Part V covers “Sexual Offences, Public Morals and Disorderly Conduct.” An obstruction or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman charge occurs when a person obstructs or attempts to ...
Assisting a Prisoner of War to Escape Laws in Canada Explained
What is a charge of Assisting a Prisoner of War to Escape? Assisting a prisoner of war to escape, Section 148 of the Criminal Code of Canada. It prohibits Assisting a prisoner of war to escape is a straight indictable offence. Examples Some examples of a charge of Assisting a Prisoner of War to Escape may include the following: A person helps a person ...
Assisting Deserter Laws in Canada Explained
What is a charge of Assisting Deserter? Assisting Deserter is covered under 54 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Assisting Deserter occurs when a person knowingly aids, assists, or conceals a person who is an absentee from the Canadian Armed Forces without authorized leave. Assisting deserter is a summary conviction offence. Examples Some examples of a charge of Assisting Deserter may include the ...
Misconduct by Officers Executing Process Laws in Canada
What is a misconduct by officers executing process charge? Misconduct by officers executing process is covered under s. 128 of the Criminal Code, found in Part IV. Part IV covers “Offences Against the Administration of Law and Justice.” A misconduct by officers executing process charge occurs when a police officer or coroner intentionally engages in conduct that violates one or more of their ...
Peace Officers Neglect in Riot Situation Laws in Canada
What is a peace officer neglect in riot situation charge? Peace officer neglect in a riot situation is covered under s. 69 of the Criminal Code found in Part II. Part II covers “Offences Against Public Order.” A peace officer neglect in riot situation charge occurs when a peace officer, without reasonable excuse, fails to take all reasonable steps to supress a riot ...
Intimidating Parliament Laws in Canada
What is an intimidating parliament charge? An intimidating parliament charge is a serious criminal offence and occurs when a person commits an act of violence with the specific intent of intimidating Parliament of the legislature of a Canadian province. Intimidating parliament is an indictable offence, which means it is a more serious type of criminal charge in Canada, and upon conviction, the perpetrator ...