How can I get my dangerous driving charges dropped?
If you have been charged with dangerous driving, our criminal defence lawyers can work on your behalf to resolve your charges before you even go to trial. In some instances, we may even be able to resolve your dangerous driving charge in a manner that ensures that you do not receive a criminal criminal record. For example, in some instances we may be able to persuade the Crown to let you plea to the traffic offence of careless driving instead of running a trial for dangerous driving. By pleading to the less serious traffic offence, you will be able to ensure that you completely avoid a conviction for dangerous driving.
If your case is too serious to be resolved with a plea to a traffic offence, we may be able to prevent you from receiving a criminal conviction by doing a discharge application. That is, we will make an in-court application in favor of you being discharged either absolutely or conditionally from the offence. If we are successful, you will be able to say that you have not been convicted of dangerous driving.
If a discharge is not appropriate, we can still advocate on your behalf to secure a sentence that restricts your liberty as little as possible. For example, we can advocate for sentences that involve a fine and some probation, or a fine alone. If prison is inevitable, we can also advocate for sentencing measures such as a conditional sentence order which will allow you to serve your sentence in the community or an intermittent jail sentence which will allow you to serve your jail sentence on weekends only. To find out what resolutions might be available for your dangerous driving charge, contact one of our criminal defence lawyers immediately.