Jail Sentence in Edmonton

Intermittent Jail Sentence (Weekend Jail)

If the jail sentence is 90 days or less, the judge has the discretion to allow you to serve is intermittently. This means that you can go to jail on weekends, and still be able to go to work and/or take care of the kids during the week until the sentence is served. For example, if you go into custody on Friday at 7pm, and are released on Monday at 7am, you will get the benefit of 4 days custody. At this rate, even a 90 day jail sentence can be completed relatively quickly, and with minimal intrusion into your ability to earn a living.

Straight Jail

Actual Jail is a sentence of last resort. When no other sentence is appropriate, either because of the nature of the offence, or because of your particular circumstances, a jail sentence will be imposed. A Jail Sentence will be served in either a Provincial Jail if there is less than two years left to serve on the day of sentence, or in a Federal Penitentiary for any sentence of two years or more.

The current system allows for automatic parole after two thirds of the sentence is served. That means that if a 1 year jail sentence is imposed, you will almost automatically be released after completing 8 months. Both the provincial and federal systems have early parole options, although the federal early release system seems more robust.

If straight jail is imposed on the day of sentence, there will be no opportunity to say your goodbyes or walk the dog. Make sure you have all your affairs in order before proceeding to sentence because once a jail sentence is pronounced, there is no going home until the sentence is served.

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Ellen did wonderful stuff for me and got my charges stayed she is an awesome lawyer and I would recommend her too anyone thank you so much for your help this past year

S. P.

Ellen Sutherland is an incredible lawyer. Her legal advice was precise and delivered to me in a manner that was easily understood. She helped me reach a decision for an IRS that was best case scenario for me.

Thank you, Ellen!

P. B.

I can not give enough thanks to this firm. Not only did we get walked through every step but they always kept us updated. The office staff is very inviting as well. At the end of a very long and stressful year the charges were dropped.

C. J.

Ellen Sutherland is knowledgable, personable very well versed in the justice system. I would recommend Ellen to anyone looking for a Lawyer.

S. L.