Driving While Disqualified Charge in Edmonton

Driving While Disqualified Charge in EdmontonIf you are charged with driving while disqualified in Edmonton, you are facing a very serious criminal charge. While driving while disqualified might not seem like a significant offence, in Edmonton and surrounding area the Crown typically seeks a minimum 30 day jail term following a conviction.

All that the Crown needs to prove in order for you to be found guilty of this offence is that you were driving your vehicle, and that you were disqualified at the time of driving.

In addition to a potential jail sentence, you can also face fines of up to $5000, a minimum driving prohibition of one year to a maximum driving prohibition of 5 years, and a sharp increase in your insurance. Because this is a fairly easy crime to prove and a difficult one to defend, it is in your best interest to contact one of the criminal defence lawyers in our Edmonton office. We have considerable experience negotiating early case resolutions with Crown prosecutors, and can effectively assist you with resolving your matter in the most favorable way possible.

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Client Reviews

Ellen did wonderful stuff for me and got my charges stayed she is an awesome lawyer and I would recommend her too anyone thank you so much for your help this past year

S. P.

Ellen Sutherland is an incredible lawyer. Her legal advice was precise and delivered to me in a manner that was easily understood. She helped me reach a decision for an IRS that was best case scenario for me.

Thank you, Ellen!

P. B.

I can not give enough thanks to this firm. Not only did we get walked through every step but they always kept us updated. The office staff is very inviting as well. At the end of a very long and stressful year the charges were dropped.

C. J.

Ellen Sutherland is knowledgable, personable very well versed in the justice system. I would recommend Ellen to anyone looking for a Lawyer.

S. L.